On January 3, the Surgeon General released a report highlighting the strong link between alcohol consumption and cancer, a reminder of the health risks often associated with drinking. Perfect timing as  January has become widely recognized as “Dry January,” a time when many people take a break from alcohol to reset their habits and prioritize their health.   In particular, younger generations are increasingly opting for low-alcohol or alcohol-free lifestyles.

Given this cultural and health-conscious momentum, can we use this to reimagine how we celebrate? Instead of reaching for a glass of wine or a cocktail, why not choose tea as the centerpiece of our gatherings? Tea offers a world of flavors, health benefits, and rituals that can elevate any occasion. From a soothing cup of chamomile to a sparkling iced tea mocktail, tea can provide a vibrant, creative, and refreshing alternative that fits perfectly with a modern, wellness-focused lifestyle.

This January, let’s toast to new traditions—one steaming cup at a time!